Friday, November 11, 2016

An Update From The Kids

Next Friday we leave for Arizona and the third leg of our adventure (didn't we just get here?!). I'll try to post an update from the road. As for today, our family sends a big thank you to all the veterans who have served our country!

Since we left home we've received a lot of support, and also a lot of questions. One question we get often is "But what do the kids think?" Good question! Let's ask them. After our presidential election this week, I think we're all ready for something new to read.

Everything from here on out is all them. They like to keep it real. ;-) Also, keep in mind this is their first time away from the traditional school environment.


- Jen

Oldest son (15- Freshman): "I am not a big fan of the trip in most ways, however I'm glad I got to fly a plane in Alaska. I am looking forward to going to Disney World in Florida in a couple of months. What I'm really looking forward to is going to high school in Washington when I get back because so far I've noticed that normal school is more fun than homeschooling. Plus, I get to see my friends."

Daughter (13- 7th Grade): "At first, I thought this trip was awful! Then we went to Chena Hot Springs in Alaska, which was exciting. Now this trip is tolerable. Chena Hot Springs was probably the best part of the trip so far because I rode a horse named Coby on a trail.

Since we had a family emergency while here in Idaho, we haven't seen everything. But if you do come to Victor or Driggs, here are places we went that I would recommend:

- The Corner Drug Store- It has a soda fountain.
- The Spud (I think that's it's name)- It's a drive-in theater.
- The Library
- Wildlife Brewing Company- It has awesome food!
- Or just going for a drive- The houses on the way to the dump (Yes, the dump!) look really cool and I think you would like them too!"

Youngest son (10- 4th Grade): "We've sort of been having fun in Idaho. We had fun at the Museum of Idaho. We went to the movies to go see Miss Peregrines Home for Peculiar Children in Idaho Falls. We went to Driggs for groceries (my brother calls it Drugs). We also went to Blackfoot to drop off our dogs while we were in California. The house here in Victor seems like part of a mansion."  

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