Friday, January 15, 2016


This is a travel blog. The main purpose of it is for you to see how we prepare for our upcoming trip and then follow along when we go. That being said, you're inevitably going to see some of the things we're passionate about that have absolutely nothing to do with travel. For me, one of those things is quilting. I love the creative process. There's so much satisfaction in sewing that last stitch and stepping back to admire your finished project. I imagine the life it will live, how it will be used, and hope that it will be cherished. Each quilt takes planning, resources, and a lot of time- sometimes decades! It's like an everlasting hug from its' maker and if you are lucky enough to receive one, don't take it lightly. It was a labor of love.

I'm thankful to say we've had tons of good news this year. We have loved ones who are getting married, expecting babies, graduating from high school, graduating from nursing school, retiring, and a few who have received the welcome news that they are in remission from cancer!! Because of these blessed events I have projects galore to work on before we go. There won't be any room for me to bring my sewing machine or fabric stash, so I have to be realistic about how many projects I bring with me and how many I can complete before June. Oh, if only I had the time, money, and brain power to make a quilt for everyone...*sigh*

Here are a few pictures of some of the quilt tops (top layer) I've worked on this week. Please excuse the poor quality. They were taken with my phone. The first is for a very special teacher who gave birth to a beautiful baby girl on New Year's Day. This teacher is one of those gems within the public school system who work tirelessly make a difference in the lives of their students. If you are one of these teachers, thank you! Keep fighting the good fight one student at a time. <3 It's worth it.

This pattern is a half square triangle variation and it will soon be quilted (sewing the top, batting, and back together) by Vicki Stratton ( ).

Top with the backing fabric- Why, yes, that IS Dick and Jane!
The project below is from a block swap I hosted a few years ago with some friends. The pattern is "Friendship Spools" by Edyta Sitar ( ). I just love the spools with all the thread colors! It's being prepped for our trip so I can do the final appliqued border by hand whenever we have free time. 
This last one has been a work in progress for many years. My sister in law, who is wonderful at embroidery, embroidered the teacups and teapots with the intention of making them into a lap quilt for her mother. Long story short, I ended up with it and we are now collaborating on the final queen-sized version as a gift for my mother-in-law's retirement. The top and bottom borders still need to be made but this should give you an idea of the effect we're going for.

As you can see, there are many iron's in the fire right now. The kids have school (I'm homeschooling our youngest currently), my husband is getting his ducks in a row at work and with house projects, and I'm working behinds the scenes on all those little things that make leaving for a trip like this easier. Through it all, life sprints ever forward. I wouldn't have it any other way.

- Jen
P.S. In case you were wondering, we looked at trailers last weekend and narrowed our choices down to one floor plan. It's small, but as my husband puts it "We just need to be able to stop, sleep, and then hit the road again." The model we chose will do that job just fine. Now to find one at a good price and get the trailer hitch installed!

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